Jun 10, 2009

Cornell Southeast Asia Data Paper Series.

Source page -- http://seapdatapapers.library.cornell.edu/s/seap/browse_geo/indo.html

All these older documents in the Data Paper Series (Cornell University) are now free, full-text, and downloadable. Be forwarned, many are very long.

As with the SEARC series (Hong Kong) of working papers posted just before this entry, you should work from the site rather than the posting in this blog. The full titles of the SEARC collection could not fit in the standard space for the template I use.

But it is even more vital to work from the website for Cornell's Data Paper Series since clicking each country heading brings up a different of papers. I only show the Indonesia page here. You should go to the website to see the papers availaable for other Southeast Asian countries and for those in the general Southeast Asia heading.

Browse by Geography


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