Jun 26, 2009

Singapore Confirms 26 New Flu A/H1N1 Cases

SINGAPORE, June 23 (Xinhua) -- Singapore confirmed 26 new cases of Influenza A/ H1N1 on Tuesday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases here to 194.

According to the country's Health Ministry, the newly confirmed cases comprise 10 local cases and 16 cases with travel history.

The ministry said that local pandemic preparedness clinics are gearing up to help manage and treat suspect Influenza A/H1N1 patients, adding that these clinics are located island-wide to ensure that Singaporeans have easy access to medical assessment and prompt treatment for influenza-like illness.

Singapore reported its first confirmed case of Influenza A/H1N1on May 27. So far, 68 patients have been discharged. The remaining126 patients are still in the hospital and their conditions remain stable.

Editor: Mu Xuequan

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