Jul 7, 2009

World Uyhur Congress

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

About East Turkistan
» Massacre In East Turkistan - July 5, 2009
» China's Xinjiang hit by violence - July 5, 2009
» Violence erupts in China's Xinjiang region; 2 killed - July 5, 2009
» Rep. Dana Rohrabacher on the Uighurs - June 30, 2009
» Local Uighurs skeptical about Gül’s China visit - June 30, 2009
» 'No Rapes' in Riot Town - June 29, 2009
» Ethnic tensions spark brawl at China factory-report - June 27, 2009
» Kashgar demolition is a - June 26, 2009
» China's Other Genocide: the 'Mother of the Uyghurs' Speaks Out - June 25, 2009
» Getting Along with the Invaders: Bishkek Versus Kashgar - June 24, 2009
» Sweden expels Chinese diplomat: report - June 23, 2009
» China, Afghanistan pledge to fight terror, drugs - June 23, 2009
» Judge Orders Release of Guantanamo Prisoner After Seven Years, Saying Government Position “Defies Common Sense” - June 23, 2009
» 52 enterprises rush to dig gold in Xinjiang - June 22, 2009
» Bermuda Premier Escapes Censure Over Uighurs - June 21, 2009
» Chinese vice president visits Xinjiang, stressing harmony and stability - June 21, 2009
» Uighurs had no terrorist training, says lawyer - June 20, 2009
» The Myth of the $12 Million Uighur - June 19, 2009
» East Turkestan: Italy to Take 3 Guantanamo Detainees - June 19, 2009
» Uyghurs Held in Anniversary Clampdown - June 19, 2009
» Guantanamo, ever folly - June 17, 2009
» Demolition of Kashgar's Old City Draws Concerns Over Cultural Heritage Protection, Population Resettlement - June 17, 2009
» Demolition of Kashgar's Old City Draws Concerns Over Cultural Heritage Protection, Population Resettlement - June 17, 2009
» A Home for the Uighurs - June 16, 2009
» Recruitment for State Jobs in Xinjiang Discriminates Against Ethnic Minorities - June 16, 2009
» Guantánamo Uighurs hope to open restaurant in millionaires’ paradise - June 15, 2009
» Great Leap Forward in time is hours too fast for China's Uighurs - June 15, 2009
» Europeans balk at taking Guantanamo inmates for unwilling U.S. - June 13, 2009
» After 7 years at Gitmo, resettled Uyghurs grateful for freedom - June 12, 2009
» U.S. resettles four Gitmo detainees in Bermuda - June 11, 2009
» Saving Kashghar - June 3, 2009
» Caution urged over recent Chinese government allegations of Uyghur terrorism - June 3, 2009
» Uighur exile leader rejects China 'terror' report - June 3, 2009
» To Protect an Ancient City, China Moves to Raze It - June 2, 2009
» Uyghurs Open Third General Assembly in Washington D.C. - June 2, 2009
» China destroys culture, Hong Kong cares - June 1, 2009
» Uighurs case a 'litmus test' for Australia's ties with China - June 1, 2009
» Justice Dept. asks Supreme Court to reject Uighurs' appeal - May 30, 2009
» Australia should grant asylum to detainees: Greens - May 30, 2009
» Australia pressed to take Uighurs - May 30, 2009
» Uyghur Gitmo Detainees Are “Peaceful Men” - May 26, 2009
» Uyghur Children’s ‘Identities Changed’ - May 22, 2009
» Meet the real Uyghurs - May 20, 2009
» Kashgar's Old Town Bulldozed; Is Uyghur Culture in Danger? - May 20, 2009
» Guantánamo panel calls for US to take China Uighurs - May 19, 2009
» At Hearing, Assurance On Fate of Detainees - May 15, 2009
» Uyghur Women Block Land Grab - May 15, 2009
» Two Decades on, Continuing Censorship and Persecution of Survivors and Critics - May 13, 2009
» China Cited for Religious Rights Abuses - May 12, 2009
» Child Labor Alleged at Factory - May 12, 2009
» Harper enlists activist to help Celil - May 12, 2009
» From exile, Kadeer steps up Uighur cause - May 10, 2009
» Swift ruling urged on Uighurs - May 7, 2009
» Berlin given US request on Guantanamo inmates - May 4, 2009
» China razes the cradle of a culture - May 3, 2009
» UAA protests extradition of nine Uyghurs from Pakistan to China - April 29, 2009
» EU Should Help Close Guantanamo by Resettling Detainees - April 29, 2009
» Uphill tightrope walker - April 29, 2009
» Nine Uyghur militants extradited to China - April 29, 2009
» Guantanamo Uyghur Detainees: Coming to America? - April 24, 2009
» When will Mao enter the props cupboard of Chinese history? - April 20, 2009
» The dragon in the Hindu Kush: China's interests in Afghanistan - April 20, 2009
» Revolt stirs among China’s nuclear ghosts - April 19, 2009
» Justice for the Uighurs - April 18, 2009
» China casts wide net to curb terrorism - April 17, 2009
» Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace with China - April 17, 2009
» Turkey Trot: Military Cooperation between Beijing and Ankara - April 17, 2009
» Natural disasters to plague Xinjiang: Experts - April 16, 2009
» Uyghur Jailed for Alleged Separatism - April 15, 2009
» HRC: The Status of Human Rights in East Turkestan - April 14, 2009
» Detained Canadian complains of illness - April 13, 2009
» Kazakhstan, China in negotiations over joint ownership of major Kazakh energy company - April 13, 2009
» Uighurs ask Supreme Court for their freedom - April 9, 2009
» Chinese Guantanamo Detainees Likely to Be Released in U.S. - April 6, 2009
» Only older men allowed in mosques - April 5, 2009
» Muslim Uyghurs targeted over prayers in China - April 4, 2009
» Kashgar’s old city: the politics of demolition - April 3, 2009
» Explosion kills one, injures two in NW China's Xinjiang - April 2, 2009
» Uyghurs Targeted Over Prayers - April 2, 2009
» Clocks square off in China's far west - March 31, 2009
» Guantanamo Debate Puts Spotlight on Uighurs' Plight - March 30, 2009
» China cracks down in Muslim west - March 30, 2009
» The strange tale of a Chinese emperor's French prints - March 27, 2009
» Uygurs upset at Kashgar revamp - March 26, 2009
» A Letter to Barack Obama from a Guantanamo Uighur - March 26, 2009
» Muslim exile blasts China's demolition plans - March 25, 2009
» China 'blocks YouTube video site' - March 24, 2009
» Release of Uyghur detainees in US will prompt only temporary Chinese protest - March 24, 2009
» PetroChina Xinjiang to boost oil storage by 60 pct - March 23, 2009
» Munich fights to welcome the Uighurs of Guantanamo - March 21, 2009
» Some Guantanamo prisoners could be released in U.S. - March 18, 2009
» Two Uyghurs in Hotan sentenced to lengthy prison terms for peaceful political expression - March 17, 2009
» China ’s forgotten Muslims - March 15, 2009
» HRC: The Status of Human Rights in East Turkestan - March 13, 2009
» Q&A: Gitmo Uighurs Highlight a Complex Ethnic Problem - March 11, 2009
» Hearing: China's Ascent, Oil and Terror - March 11, 2009
» China starts work on third West-East gas pipeline - March 10, 2009
» Chinese Intellectuals and the Problem of Xinjiang - March 9, 2009
» The Soviets in Xinjiang - March 8, 2009
» Uyghur Moderate Speaks Out - March 6, 2009
» In China, stark reminders of ethnic unrest - March 6, 2009
» China warns on Xinjiang stability - March 6, 2009
» Uyghur Scholar Calls for Jobs - March 6, 2009
» Three people in Beijing self-immolation bid have - March 6, 2009
» The Road to Everest: From Colonization to Self-Determination - March 4, 2009
» West 'uses Tibet to attack China' - March 2, 2009
» State Department 2008 Human Rights Report reveals widespread human rights abuses in East Turkestan - February 27, 2009
» Regarding the Guantanamo Uyghurs - February 25, 2009
» Retired Judge in Xinjiang Detained for Advocating Health Rights of Veterans - February 24, 2009
» Hopeful Signs for Human Rights - February 22, 2009
» Lawyer for Guantanamo Bay Uyghurs Vows To Fight - February 21, 2009
» Kashgar Uyghurs Pressured To Shave - February 20, 2009
» Court Blocks Release Of 17 Uighurs Into U.S. - February 19, 2009
» Uyghurs Must Stay in Guantanamo - February 18, 2009
» Sweden accepts ex-Guantanamo man - February 18, 2009
» Uighur detainees at Guantanamo pose a problem for Obama - February 18, 2009
» Italy 'may take Guantanamo inmates' - February 14, 2009
» Four easy steps to shut down Guantanamo this year - February 14, 2009
» Written testimony of Amy Reger, researcher at the UAA/UHRP, at the CECC panel entitled - February 13, 2009
» An historic opportunity for political change in China - February 12, 2009
» Church groups offer to sponsor detainees from Guantanamo Bay - February 11, 2009
» China Tells U.N. Panel That It Respects Rights - February 10, 2009
» China: Official Cites Failed Meeting of Independence Movement - February 10, 2009
» China defends human rights record at UN review - February 9, 2009
» Ethnic Tensions in Xinjiang’s Internet Cafes - February 8, 2009
» Karamay oilfield targets 16 mln tons crude oil in 2015 - February 8, 2009
» Munich Willing To Accept Guantanamo Uighurs - February 7, 2009
» China Energy Development to Exploit Gas in Xinjiang - February 6, 2009
» Closing time - February 6, 2009
» Canada preferred destination for 6 Gitmo detainees - February 2, 2009
» Guantanamo Bay - Should Germany Accept Prisoners When The US Detention Camp Closes? - February 1, 2009
» Uyghur Petitioner Turned Away in Beijing - January 30, 2009
» Long Cleared of Terrorism Charges, Uyghurs Languish in Gitmo Prison and Albanian Exile - January 30, 2009
» East Turkestan: Swiss to back Uyghurs in UPR China - January 29, 2009
» 17 Uighur detainees held at Guantánamo - January 26, 2009
» White House 'can't imagine' returning Uighurs to China - January 24, 2009
» China, Naming Threats, Seeks Stronger Military - January 21, 2009
» China Sees Separatist Threats - January 20, 2009
» China's most wanted - January 16, 2009
» China names 7 new revolutionary martyrs - January 15, 2009
» Islamic Council calls for acceptance of Gitmo inmates - January 12, 2009
» Asylum plea for Guantanamo Uyghurs - January 11, 2009
» China official urges education to stem terrorism - January 10, 2009
» China linked to Kevin Rudd's rebuff of George Bush's Guantanamo Bay plan - January 10, 2009
» inese Stranglehold on East Turkestan - January 9, 2009
» Uyghurs Rally for Sick Child - January 9, 2009

About WUC
» The World Uyghur Congress appeals to the people and governments in the free world as well as human rights organizations around the world to take urgent action to stop the ethnic massacre in East Turkistan! - July 6, 2009
» WUC Condemns China’s Brutal Crackdown of a Peaceful Protest in Urumchi City - July 6, 2009
» WUC calls all Uyghur organizations around the world to organize protests in front of the Chinese embassies - July 1, 2009
» UAA condemns killing of Uyghur workers at Guangdong factory - June 29, 2009
» Hollywood filmmaker Marc Forster expresses concern over the destruction of Kashgar's Old City - June 22, 2009
» Uyghur men grateful to Bermuda for their new life - June 16, 2009
» IUHRDF welcomes transfer of Uyghur men from Guantanamo to Bermuda - June 15, 2009
» Seven Uyghur university students arrested for participation in religious gathering; two remain in detention - June 12, 2009
» UAA welcomes transfer of Uyghur men from Guantanamo to Bermuda - June 11, 2009
» Canada's refusal to accept Guantanamo Uyghurs reflects weakness in relationship with China - June 8, 2009
» Remarks by Carl Gershman, President, the National Endowment for Democracy At the conference - June 5, 2009
» World Uyghur Congress Activities report - May 23, 2009
» East Turkestan: 60 Years under the People’s Republic of China - May 17, 2009
» Third General Assembly of the World Uyghur Congress to be held in Washington, DC - May 11, 2009
» Uyghur American Association condemns the executions of Abdurahman Azat and Kurbanjan Hemit - April 9, 2009
» UAA commends delegates for addressing Uyghur human rights issues at the United Nations - February 10, 2009
» Uyghur American Association marks the twelfth anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre - February 5, 2009
» Letter from East Turkestan - January 26, 2009
» Uyghur American Association congratulates President Obama on his inauguration - January 22, 2009

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