Aug 24, 2009

Dengue kills three, afflicts over 300 in Arakan State

by Mizzima News
Monday, 24 August 2009 21:06

New Delhi (mizzima) – At least three people have died and 329 people infected with dengue fever this year in Sittwe and Kyaukphyu of Arakan State in western Burma, according to information from the Ministry of Health.

According to the ministry of health, two people in Sittwe, capital of Arakan state, have died and another in Kyaukphyu town.

"Though dengue is not very dangerous yet two people died in our town scaring people. There are many dengue afflicted child patients in hospital but I cannot tell the exact number. Besides, there are many more unreported cases in the villages. The villagers cannot afford treatment at the hospital. Only the affluent in the town can get admitted to the hospital.

"Dengue has infected not only children but adults as well. There are many people from different age groups being treated at our hospital. Most patients are children and the fever lasts less than a week after which the patient is out of danger," a doctor in Sittwe Hospital said.

But some patients need to be treated for over a week.

"My daughter had dengue since the beginning of this month and was hospitalized as soon as she was infected. Now she has been discharged. Though her condition has improved she has not yet fully recovered. She has been absent from school for over two weeks," a mother of a child patient in Sittwe told Mizzima.

Teachers are worried about their students as many are absent from schools.

"There are many children who cannot come to school because of the flu. Their friends say they either have flu or dengue fever. Some could not come to school for a whole month. We are worried about their education given the long absence from classes," a class teacher in the State High School No. 2 in Sittwe told Mizzima.

Though the symptoms of this disease are coughing, sneezing, fever and body ache but in this type of influenza, similar symptoms are not found, and there are only sudden high fever plus headaches.

Rash, bleeding from the nose and gums, blood stains in the urine and stool were found in these patients. Patients are known to become unconscious, have convulsions, perspire with high fever, vomit continuously and suffer from shock.

Dengue fever cases were also reported in Pyi, Pa-an in Karen State and Htantalan town in Chin State.

The Health Ministry release said that about 30 people die of dengue fever in Rangoon annually.

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