Aug 16, 2009

New Stuff on the Blog

Today's Blog Tips

** The new Share gadget at the very top of the right sidebar lets you share any blog posting here on many networking sites. Let the page load a few seconds, then mouse-over the word 'Share,' and the networking site menu appears. The gadget also lets you email the posting's link, bookmark it, or print it out.

Important: To bring up an _individual blog posting_ here, you hit the posting time at the bottom of the posting you want to share. This lets you use the gadget. If you just want to share the original outside source (if there is one), hit the title of the individual posting.

** With so many postings and links here containing obscure words you may not understand, I suggest you add KallOut, as a Firefox add-on or as a downloadable program. In Firefox (where I use it, I highlight any word on the page, then up pops a very little balloon which when clicked produces a suggested menu of search options for that word. To install the add-on, go to or to install the program, go to Very helpful, very fast.

** I expanded significantly the Wikipedia links on a wide variety of global issues. Check out the Global Problems module. More dedicated websites still need to be added there and elsewhere in the right sidebar.

** I am nearing closure on Wikipedia's links on Southeast Asian ethnic groups, Chinese peoples everywhere, and American minorities. I also added many other examples of world ethnic diversity. Look in the Minority Groups module.

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