The ABIA project is a global network of scholars co-operating on an annotated bibliographic database covering South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology. http://www.abia.net
Asia Studies in Amsterdam (ASiA)
Asian Studies in Amsterdam (ASiA) is a joint endeavour of the University of Amsterdam and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS). ASiA aims to promote and facilitate the study of Asia through academic research and the organising of outreach activities within the Amsterdam region. http://www.iias.nl/asia
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) was established in February 1997 under the framework of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process. ASEF seeks to promote mutual understanding, deeper engagement and continuing collaboration among the people of Asia and Europe through greater intellectual, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges between the two regions. http://www.asef.org
Asian Borderlands Research Network
The concerns of the Asian Borderlands Research Network are varied, ranging from migratory movements, transformations in cultural, linguistic and religious practices, to ethnic mobilization and conflict, marginalisation, and environmental concerns. Its aim is to generate new knowledge and methodologies for a better understanding of transitional zones and borderlands in general. http://www.asianborderlands.net
The board of the EASAS consists of 12 elected and 3 coopted, in all 15 ordinary members, representing the various academic disciplines represented by the Association as well as the regional specialisations of the members. http://www.easas.org
The ECARDC Network (European Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China) was set up as an academic network to provide a forum to meet, discuss and share information and experiences about China's agricultural and rural development among scholars, development agencies, international donors, and professionals in development aid. http://www.ecardc.org
European Alliance For Asian Studies
The European Alliance for Asian Studies (Asia Alliance) is a co-operative framework of European institutes specializing in Asian Studies. http://www.asia-alliance.org
European Studies Programme at Delhi University
The European Studies Programme at Delhi University is framed keeping in mind certain aspects of the disciplines of sociology and social anthropology in particular and the social sciences in general in India. URL: http://www.europeanstudiesgroupdu.org/
The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) is listed among the largest gatherings of research scholars from Centres on Asia and Asian studies, especially in the humanities and social science.
URL: http://www.icassecretariat.org
South Asian Studies Association (SASA)
The primary purposes for which SASA was organized are: to promote scholarly study of and public interest in South Asian civilizations and affairs; to provide a public forum for the communication of research and scholarship on South Asia, by means of an annual conference; to promote scholarship and networking opportunities for scholars of South Asia between annual conferences through electronic and other media; etc. See: http://www.sasia2.org
Virtual Collection of Masterpieces (VCM)
33 museums from Asia and 38 from Europe have contributed approximately 1400 masterpieces to the Virtual Collection of Masterpieces (VCM). This web-accessible selection of images and accompanying information on Asian masterpieces from Asian and European museums is a fantastic search tool for people from various levels interested in Asian art and cultural history. The VCM project promotes mutual understanding and appreciation between the peoples of Asia and Europe, specifically through the use of works of art and culture. URL: http://masterpieces.asemus.museum
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