Apr 30, 2012

Building new schools; only if they are complete with adequate facilities

Building new schools; only if they are complete with adequate facilities:
MP Tereza de Carvalho urged the government to ensure new schools have all the necessary equipment and facilities to improve standards of learning in the country. Commission F of the National Parliament urged the Government to ensure when new schools are built across the country they have complete facilities so students can get a proper education.

“We can place many teachers at schools but this will not resolve the problem,” said Member of Parliament (MP) Tereza de Carvalho, recently (18/04) at the National Parliament in Dili.

According to the MP many schools still lack basic facilities such as desks and chairs. Many schools also lack toilets for the students.

Meanwhile MP Pedro da Costa said the government intends to build many more new schools across the country according to its National Strategic Development Plan (PEDN).

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