Apr 30, 2012

National Hospital to purchase two new dialysis machines

National Hospital to purchase two new dialysis machines:
National Hospital Guido Valadares (HNGV) Rui Exposto, said the national hospital will purchase two new haemodialysis machines this year.The National Hospital Guido Valadares (HNGV) in Dili and the Ministry of Health (MS) intend to purchase two additional haemodialysis machines.

“So far we have been using the two units we have to assist patients suffering from kidney problems,” said the HNGV Administrator Rui Manuel Gago Exposto last (23/04), at the HNGV in Bidau Toko Baru, Dili.

“By July this year we will get another two machines. This was already factored into he MS budget and it is being processed now,” said Administrator Exposto.

Over the past three months six patients have been using the two haemodialysis machines at the national hospital. Despite lack of human resources, he said the hospital is doing its best to provide good health care assistance to patients.

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