Apr 29, 2012

Water Privatization in Jakarta ‘Not Working’

Water Privatization in Jakarta ‘Not Working’:
Water Privatization in Jakarta ‘Not Working’
Two groups on Sunday criticized the privatization of clean water in the capital, and received the support of a candidate for the city’s governorship. 11:03pm Apr 29, 2012
Put Religious Freedom Before Harmony in Indonesia, Activist Urges
Efforts by the government to insert itself more prominently into religious matters, coupled with its unclear stance on the role of religion in the state, will only exacerbate interreligious tensions in the country, leading rights activists warn. 10:34pm Apr 29, 2012
Baduy Share Worries, Concerns With Government
The Baduy tribe, which lives in isolation in the Lebak district of Banten, is reiterating its demand for the government to get its faith, Sunda Wiwitan, recognized by law. 10:17pm Apr 29, 2012

Sacred Grave Impairing Jakarta Port Growth Plan, Hutchison Says
Hong Kong. A land dispute over a sacred grave site in North Jakarta has constrained a massive project to develop Tanjung Priok port, the chief executive of the company that manages the port said in Hong Kong on Friday. 10:22pm Apr 29, 2012
Indonesia Holds Promise For Hutchison Amid Forecasts of Fast Economic Growth
S&P Warning Points to Dark Storm Clouds Over India’s Economy
Bumi Serpong Damai Profits on Property Sales in Banten Site

Chinese Activist Chen’s Plight Echoes Story Of Previous Asylum Seeker
After the high drama of a 650-kilometer dash to freedom across northern China, Chen Guangcheng, a blind legal activist now reportedly under the protection of US diplomats in Beijing, confronts more mundane challenges: filling in forms, listening to warnings about potential peril ahead, and waiting while officials haggle over his fate. 9:44pm Apr 29, 2012
A Year After Bin Laden Was Slain, Al Qaeda ‘In Ruins’
Thailand Still Struggling to Secure Freedom of Speech
South Sudan Hit First by Fighting, Now by Inflation

Badminton: After Indian Win, Liliyana, Tontowi Turn to London
Tontowi Ahmad and Liliyana Natsir raised Indonesia’s hopes for Olympic glory in badminton when the mixed doubles pair retained its India Open Super Series title on Sunday. 8:21pm Apr 29, 2012
Israeli Football Copes With Wave of Violence
NBA: Rose Injury Casts Major Cloud Over Chicago Bulls Victory
Rooftop Missiles to Secure the London Olympic Games

An Afternoon With Former Indonesian President BJ Habibie
At 76 years of age, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is as agile and enthusiastic as someone half his age. When the former president of Indonesia welcomed a group of women to his house in Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Wednesday to reminisce on his life and work, he presented himself as a true gentleman: Always polite, ready to smile and quick to crack jokes. 8:01pm Apr 29, 2012
Surf the Web, Read a Story, Help Support A Movement
The Delicate Art of Finding the Right Kebaya
‘Beyond Organic’ Fish Farming in Your Home
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  • 11:11pm |How Young is Too Young For Tec...so is it safe for those babies to use iPads on such early stage of life?

  • 11:06pm |Malaysia Plantation Giant’s Li...If happen its bigger than Face Book's IPO. But If Pakatan win the election on June I think the court will abourt the move.

  • 10:48pm |‘Mr Bean’ Confirmed to Play Gh...@asogenie: sadly we are talking about the same SIR Rowan Atkinson, and yes i share the same disappointment..

  • 10:41pm |Afriani Faces 15 Years For All...@bawel: nope i'm not sad and i dont need to hand in credible facts to you, because everyone can just read news and see the hard facts about how yo

  • 10:31pm |Samsung Indonesia Launches Sma...I bet it's only Jakarta that will be getting Smart TV. The rest of the archipelago is not cared at all by everyone.

    Even th

  • 10:31pm |Samsung Indonesia Launches Sma...Good article, why late?

  • 9:48pm |We need a nanny here, because as other people posted because of the traffic we spend too much time out of the house, and the other reason is that h

  • 9:32pm |Angelina Recovering From Shock...Angelina woman from the Democratic party is punishable by criminal acts of corruption that is layered, Rindak money Laundering and Crime corporatio

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

Some 1.1 million people are employed in Indonesia’s formal mining sector, according to the national statistics bureau. But this figure does not include illegal miners, like this group operating in a...

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