Showing posts with label Burundi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burundi. Show all posts

Sep 21, 2009

VOA - At Least 17 Killed in Fresh Somalia Clashes

IDP in a camp outside of MogadishuImage by ISN Security Watch via Flickr

Witnesses in western Somalia say at least 17 people have been killed in fresh fighting between Islamist militants and government forces.

Residents of Yeed, a town on Somalia's border with Ethiopia, say fighters from the insurgent group al-Shabab attacked government soldiers on Sunday.

Both sides claimed victory in the clash, and it was not clear who controlled the town Monday.

Most of those killed are said to be combatants.

Al-Shabab and its ally Hizbul Islam have been on the offensive since early May. The groups are trying to overthrow Somalia's government and set up an Islamic state.

Twenty-one people were killed when al-Shabab suicide bombers attacked an African Union peacekeeping base in the capital, Mogadishu, last Thursday.

In the wake of the attacks, the AU special envoy to Somalia requested more weapons for the Somali government.

About 4,000 AU troops from Uganda and Burundi are helping the government keep hold of key sites in the capital, including the seaport and the airport.
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