Showing posts with label Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. Show all posts

Oct 13, 2009

Pakistan Court Drops Charges Against Lashkar-e-Taiba Founder -

"Importance of Being Hafiz Saeed"Image by via Flickr

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Criminal charges against Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the man Indian and Western officials accuse of masterminding the terrorist siege of Mumbai last year, were dismissed Monday by a court in Lahore.

Although Pakistan has been pressed to charge Mr. Saeed with involvement in the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan insists that it lacks enough evidence linking him to the attacks and that the charges dismissed Monday were not directly related to them.

The charges were dismissed for lack of evidence, his lawyer said. It was the second time that Mr. Saeed had been held on lesser charges that did not hold up in court.

Mr. Saeed is the founder of the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, 10 of whose members killed 163 people in a rampage in Mumbai in November.

Seven other members — including the man Pakistan says actually masterminded the Mumbai attacks, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi — are on trial in Rawalpindi, the garrison city adjacent to Islamabad, the capital.

India has given Pakistan evidence, based on its intelligence and the testimony of the sole surviving gunman, that it says showed that Mr. Saeed provided detailed instructions to the militants who carried out the attack. But Pakistan says there is not enough evidence to charge him.

This weekend, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Pakistan would not “take any dictation from India” regarding Mr. Saeed.

In the case dismissed Monday, Mr. Saeed was accused of using inflammatory language criticizing Pakistan, which falls under an antiterrorism statute, in September at a gathering in Punjab Province. He was also accused of appealing for funds for a banned group. Mr. Saeed currently leads Jamat-ud-Dawa, an Islamic charity widely viewed as a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba.

His lawyer, A. K. Dogar, said he had argued that the government had not banned Jamat-ud-Dawa and therefore it was legal to solicit donations for it. “The court accepted my contention,” he was quoted by news media as saying outside the court.

Mr. Saeed was placed under house arrest last month. But the step was seen as a gesture to placate international criticism over the slow pace of the trial against the seven militants.

Mr. Saeed, a cleric who fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s, formed Lashkar-e-Taiba, vowing to free the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, which is claimed by both India and Pakistan.

Lashkar-e-Taiba has enjoyed the support of the Pakistani intelligence agencies in the past and is often described in Pakistan as the military’s fifth column.

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Sep 21, 2009

VOA - Pakistan Restricts Leader of Group Accused in Mumbai Terror Attack

Citizen Journalism in Mumbai Terrorist Attacks...Image by Gauravonomics via Flickr

Pakistani police are restricting the movements of an Islamist militant group leader accused by India of masterminding last year's Mumbai attack.

Police said Monday they stopped Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the founder of the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, as he was leaving his home for Eid al-Fitr celebrations marking the end of a month-long fast for Muslims. Police said authorities gave verbal orders to keep Saeed in his house.

On Saturday, Pakistan acknowledged for the first time that the militant Islamic leader is under investigation in connection with last year's Mumbai terrorist attacks.

India accuses the hardline Pakistani cleric and his outlawed group of masterminding last November's carnage that left 166 people dead.

This confinement is the second time authorities have restricted Saeed's movements. Saeed was placed under house arrest in December after a U.N. committee put him on a list of people accused of supporting al-Qaida.

A Pakistani court released him in June because of insufficient evidence.

Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Sunday that Pakistan has concluded its own investigation into the Mumbai attacks using what he described as "sketchy" information provided by India. Malik said the evidence and other relevant material have been presented to the court, which will indict seven other suspects later this week.

He said Saeed will be arrested only if authorities can provide solid evidence against him.

India has been pressing Pakistan to prosecute or hand over militants accused of planning the Mumbai attacks, before the two rival nuclear powers resume peace talks.

The foreign ministers of the two countries are expected to meet on the sidelines of the upcoming United Nations General Assembly in New York.
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