Showing posts with label Professional development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Professional development. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2009

Netskills: Web2practice

Google Reader Study: Reading and Publishing Ha...Image by Zach Seward via Flickr

Guides to emergent technologies and innovative practice

Are you thinking about using web2tools for research, administration or teaching? If so, make a quick start with the web2practice user guides.

The web2practice guides explain how emergent web technologies like RSS, microblogging, podcasting and social media can enhance your working practice. Each guide consists of a short animated video explaining the key concepts (such as microblogging in the example below), supported by a more in-depth guide covering potential uses, risks and how to get started.


Web2practice guides are available on:

Further topics are planned, including: Social Bookmarking, Blogging, Communications and Digital Identity. If there are other topics you’d like us to cover, please let us know.


The web2practice guides are licenced through creative commons, so you are free to use, download and adapt them for teaching, staff development or other purposes permitted by the licence.

Project Team

The Web2practice team are Will Allen and Steve Boneham.

The project was funded by the JISC Users & Innovation Programme.

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