Showing posts with label TwitPic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TwitPic. Show all posts

May 27, 2009

Is Posterous the New TwitPic?

Image sharing via Twitter just got more complicated, or easier, depending on how you look at it. Sure we already showed you 5 ways to share images on Twitter, and suggested that Tweetphoto could rival TwitPic, but it looks as if Twitter’s most popular image sharing service is getting some healthy competition courtesy of an unexpected battler — Posterous.

Posterous? You say. Well yes. The simple site that’s great for posting anything by email has managed to sneak its way into the Twitter for photos space. The service is now announcing that no less than 11 of the most popular Twitter clients — including some of our favorites like Seesmic Desktop, Tweetie for Mac, and Twitterific — now support image uploads courtesy of Posterous.

With today’s news, Posterous has done what very few Twitter image sharing services have managed to do: get mass adoption by user-favorite Twitter clients. Even though we know that TweetDeck is missing from the list, we can’t help but be impressed by the array of mobile, web, and desktop Twitter clients that are now on the Posterous band wagon.

Interestingly enough, Posterous had the gumption to assert, in a previous blog post on the capabilities of their API, that they are indeed in direct competition with TwitPic.

Now we understand why Posterous so boldly claimed that, “We allow you to upload multiple photos and you get an image gallery. We offer the full size download of the image, or a zip file of multiple images. It posts to *your* Posterous site, which may have a custom domain and Google Analytics. And we autopost not just to Twitter, but also Facebook, Flickr, and many blogs. Oh, and TwitPic is down all the time. That’s no fun.”

Essentially by using Posterous in lieu of TwitPic, you’ll be creating a photo blog of your shared Twitter images, without sacrificing comments that can be posted as @replies or image analytics. To see what a Twitter photo blog of images posted to Posterous can look like, have a look at Rainn Wilson’s Posterous.

The full list of Twitter clients now supporting Posterous image posting is below. See any that catch your fancy, or have a Posterous wish list of your own? Leave us a comment with the details.

- Tweetie for Mac
- Seesmic Desktop for Adobe Air
- Destroy Twitter for Adobe Air
- PowerTwitter for Firefox (Firefox reviews)
- PeopleBrowsr
- Twinbox for Microsoft Outlook
- Twitterific for iPhone
- Pichirp Pro for iPhone
- Twitterville for iPhone
- Simply Tweet for iPhone
- Gravity for Nokia N60