Showing posts with label federall government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label federall government. Show all posts

Aug 11, 2009

Blogs from the U.S. Government:

Find active blogs from U.S. federal agencies.

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  • Blog – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides this blog as a part of the website to provide information on the uses of new media for the HIV/AIDS community.
  • America's Marines Blog – Keep up with America's Marines through stories from the latest events. Discover the connection between Marines, Americans, and the Marine Corps by reading the blog entries from each event.
  • Arctic Chronicles – This journal will document my journey to one of the most unexplored areas in the world, the Arctic, as I accompany scientists on an expedition to map the seafloor. This will be a collaborative effort between the U.S. and Canada.
  • ASY Live Blog – The "ASY Live Blog," an extension of the Department of Defense America Supports You program, highlights the support supplied by citizens and corporations nationwide to our men and women in uniform and communicates that support to our troops.
  • Big Read Blog – National Endowment for the Arts literature director David Kipen blogs regularly about his experiences promoting the 2007 Big Read initiative.
  • By the People – This blog examines the day-to-day actions that create a democratic way of life.
  • CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Injury Center Director's View – The Director of the CDC Injury Center, Ileana Arias, blogs to foster public discussion about injury and violence prevention.
  • Coast Guard Commandant – Admiral Thad Allen uses this web journal to communicate thoughts, ideas, issues and events in near real-time.
  • Congressional Budget Office Director's Blog – Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), blogs as an additional way to communicate with Congress and the public. Learn about the type of work done by the CBO including how they do it and what types of analysts they have. This blog does not accept comments.
  • Corps e-spondence – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Chief of Engineers and Commanding General Lieutenant General Robert L. Van Antwerp blogs about all things relevant to the Corps, including their many missions in service to the Nation, leadership, selfless service and people.
  • Dipnote – This blog offers the public an alternative source to mainstream media for U.S. foreign policy information and the opportunity to discuss important foreign policy issues with senior State Department officials.
  • DoD Live – The Department of Defense Live blog.
  • Energy Savers – The Energy Savers Blog provides a place for consumers to learn about and discuss energy efficiency and renewable technologies at home, on the road, and in the workplace.
  • Evolution of Security – Five employees of the Transportation Security Administration blog to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on innovations in security, technology and the checkpoint screening process.
  • Eye Level – This Smithsonian American Art Museum blog covers American art and the ways it reflects American history and culture.
  • Fast Lane – This blog from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) provides a forum for discussing the nation's transportation system and making announcements about future projects. Contributors will include Secretary LaHood, other senior officials from DOT, and guest bloggers.
  • Food and Drug Administration Transparency Blog – The FDA opens the discussion on how to make activities and decision making about enforcement, product approvals and recalls more available to the public
  • Future Digital System – U.S. Government Printing Office blog about the Future Digital System program that will be a world-class information life-cycle management system
  • GLOBE Program – Dr. Peggy LeMone, chief scientist of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE), shares her comments and thoughts on science topics through this blog.
  • Gov Gab – Gov Gab's seven bloggers share practical, useful tips and information from the federal government, to help you make life a little simpler. Sample posts cover saving gas, smart shopping, weeding out poison ivy, checking your credit report, and helping your pre-teen build self-esteem. Read along each weekday and comment and share your own experiences.
  • – Updates for the grant community.
  • Greenversations – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) blog is authored by EPA employees who share their unique perspective on environmentalism and personal experiences in protecting and improving our nation's water, land, and air.
  • Health Marketing Musings – A blog about research, science, and practice in health marketing and communication, social marketing, information technology, public health partnerships, and more with Jay Bernhardt, Director of CDC's National Center for Health Marketing.
  • Health Protection Perspectives – Dr. Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC?s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention blogs about CDC?s efforts to reduce health disparities, increase program collaboration and service integration, and improve global health.
  • Homeland Security Leadership Journal – This blog provides a forum to talk about DHS's work to protect the American people, build an effective emergency preparedness and response capability, enforce immigration laws, and promote economic prosperity.
  • InfoFarm – The National Agricultural Library blogs about what they do and your world of agriculture, food, nutrition, animal care, and the environment.
  • Library of Congress Blog – Highlights news and collections for the Library of Congress. Written by the Library's Director of Communications.
  • Middle Class Task Force – Vice President Biden and members of the task force will work with a wide array of federal agencies that have responsibility for key issues facing the middle class.
  • Military Health System Blog – Department of Defense leadership discusses the future of the U.S. Military Health System.
  • Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) CEO's Blog – Through this blog, Ambassador John J. Danilovich, the MCC CEO, directlycommunicates with the public to offer his first-hand perspective of MCC programs and the results that assistance to partner countries is producing on the ground for the benefit of the world's poor.
  • Minority Biz Blog – Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) serves minority entrepreneurs who are pursuing growth in size, scale and capacity.
  • Mount Rainier National Park Volunteers Blog – Get the latest news about the volunteer program at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington.
  • NASA Ames Research Center – Chief Information Officer Chris Kemp discusses information, policy, web development and more.
  • NASA Goddard CIO Blog – NASA Goddard CIO, Linda Y. Cureton, blogs about technology, leadership, and being a Chief Information Officer.
  • National African HIV AIDS Initiative (NAHI) Blog – Margaret Korto, a member of the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health Resource Center's HIV Capacity Building Team, hosts this blog as a way for communities in Seattle, New York, Massachusetts, Atlanta and Washington, DC to communicate and gather ideas about upcoming health summits.
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Science Blog – This blog helps NIOSH to fulfill it's mission of translating scientific research into practice. It also provides a forum for NIOSH partners and the public to present ideas to NIOSH scientists and each other while engaging in scientific discussion.
  • National Parks – The National Park Foundation enriches the connection Americans have with our National Parks.
  • Navy Department Chief Information Officer Blog – Robert Carey, CIO for the Department of the Navy, blogs about matters related to information management and information technology and how they impact the Navy Department.
  • Obama Today – Follow President Obama's initiatives and policy directions. We'll look at presidential orders, policies on the economy, alternative energy and foreign affairs, and his use of new media.
  • OMB Blog – Office of Management and Budget Director, Peter R. Orszag, discusses the agency's work.
  • Peace Corps Volunteer Journals – Blogs about experiences of Peace Corps volunteers from around the globe.
  • Public Health Matters – Rear Admiral Ali S. Khan, the Director of CDC?s National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne and Enteric Diseases, blogs about critical issues in infectious disease.
  • Pushing Back – Office of National Drug Control Policy blog to educate Americans about illegal drugs and the latest international, federal, state, and local efforts to reduce drug use
  • Returning Service Members – VA (Veterans Affairs) blog for Returning Service Members from Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Rumors, Myths, and Fabrications – This blog discusses deliberate disinformation, unintentional misinformation, cautionary tales known as "urban legends," and widely believed conspiracy theories.
  • Sara Bellum Blog – Written by a team of National Institute on Drug Abuse scientists, science writers, and public health analysts of all ages. We connect you with the latest scientific research and news, so you can use that info to make healthy, smart decisions.
  • Science and Technology Policy Blog – Learn about, and have real input into the science and technology policy making process
  • Science Planet – The latest findings in the scientific literature and the policy decisions that influence how science is practiced. No jargon, just discovery.
  • Smithsonian Institution – Bloggers offer insights and information about Smithsonian Institution exhibitions, events, collections, research projects, and more.
  • Stories of Service – Inspiring stories of volunteer service in communities everywhere.
  • Take Pride in America: The Blog – Take Pride in America, a national partnership program aimed at increasing volunteer service on America's public lands, hosts this blog to empower volunteers from every corner of America to maintain and enhance our natural, cultural, and historical sites.
  • Talking Faith – This blog explores the complexity of life in a religiously diverse nation.
  • The Blog @ Homeland Security – This blog provides an inside-out view of what the U.S. Department of Homeland Security does every day.
  • U.S. Air Force Live – The official blog of the United States Air Force.
  • USDA Blog – The blog of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Walter Reed Health Care System Commander's Blog – Colonel Norvell V. Coots, Commander of the Walter Reed Health Care System, blogs as an added communication tool for staff, patients and their families, and for anyone else who is interested in the Walter Reed military medical institution.
  • White House Blog – The White House blog is a place for the President and his administration to connect with the rest of the nation and the world.
  • White House Open Government Blog – Open and effective government can only be achieved with everyone's active engagement. Lend your insights, experience, and expertise to improve your government and strengthen democracy. Join the brainstorming that has already begun!