Jun 29, 2009

Ten Years of Reformasi - Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities

The Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities (JISSH) is a social science journal published by The Indonesian Institute off Sciences (LIPI) in Jakarta, in cooperation with KITLV and Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Vol 1 (2008)

Ten Years of Reformasi

Click the title line of this posting to go to the journal site, see the table of contents, and download full-text pdf files of any of this issue's articles.

What follows below is _not_ a clickable version.


Henk Schulte Nordholt Abstract PDF
Identity Politics, Citizenship and the Soft State in Indonesia: an Essay 1-21

Noorhaidi Hasan Abstract PDF
Reformasi, Religious Diversity, and Islamic Radicalism after Suharto 23-51

Barbara Hatley Abstract PDF
Indonesian Theatre Ten Years after Reformasi 53-72

Manneke Budiman Abstract PDF
Treading the Path of the Shari’a: Indonesian Feminism at the Crossroads of Western Modernity and Islamism 73-93

Yasmin Sungkar Abstract PDF
Indonesia’s State Enterprises: from State Leadership to International Consensus 95-120

Latif Adam, Esta Lestari Abstract PDF
Ten Years of Reforms: the Impacts of an Increase in the Price of Oil on Welfare 121-139

Dissertation Summaries

Muridan S. Widjojo Abstract PDF
Cross-Cultural Alliance-Making and Local Resistance in the Moluccas during the Revolt of Prince Nuku, c. 1780–1810 (PhD Dissertation, Universiteit Leiden, 2007) 141-149

Research Summaries
Heru Cahyono Abstract PDF

The State and Society in Conflict Resolution in Indonesia (Conflict Area of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan) 151-160
Umi Karomah Yaumidin Abstract PDF

Economies Based on Reward Sharing: a Case Study in Indonesia’s Tertiary Sector 161-174
Ade Latifa, - Aswatini, Haning Romdiati Abstract PDF

Population and Social Demographic Poverty: a Case Study in the Border Areas of East Kalimantan and North Sulawesi 175-191
Ninuk Kleden-Probonegoro Abstract PDF

The Ethnolinguistic Identity of the Hamap People in Change

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