Jun 16, 2009

Trafficking in Persons Report 2009

Source - http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2009/index.htm

"The ninth annual Trafficking in Persons Report sheds light on the faces of modern-day slavery and on new facets of this global problem. The human trafficking phenomenon affects virtually every country, including the United States. In acknowledging America’s own struggle with modern-day slavery and slavery-related practices, we offer partnership. We call on every government to join us in working to build consensus and leverage resources to eliminate all forms of human trafficking."
--Secretary Clinton, June 16, 2009

The Report
The report is available in PDF format as a single file [PDF: 22 MBGet Adobe Acrobat Reader]. Due to its large size, the PDF has been separated into sections for easier download: Introduction; Country Narratives: A-C, D-K, L-P, Q-Z/Special Cases; Relevant International Conventions. To view the PDF file, you will need to download, at no cost, the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

-06/16/09 Remarks at Release of the Ninth Annual Trafficking in Persons Report Alongside Leaders in Congress; Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State; Benjamin Franklin Room ; Washington, DC
-06/16/09 Ambassador CdeBaca's Remarks at Release of the 2009 Trafficking in Persons Report; Luis CdeBaca, Director ; Washington, DC
-PDF Version: Trafficking in Persons Report, June 2009
-Introduction (PDF) [5071 Kb]
-Country Narratives: A-C (PDF) [4074 Kb]
-Country Narratives: D-K (PDF) [3889 Kb]
-Country Narratives: L-P (PDF) [4036 Kb]
-Country Narratives: Q-Z and Special Cases (PDF) [3868 Kb]
-Relevant International Conventions (PDF)

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