Sep 25, 2009

UNICEF - Resources on child protection in Southeast Asia

The day I realised all my friends fund child t...Image by Eddie C via Flickr

Reversing the Trend : Child Trafficking in East and Southeast Asia
This report is a regional assessment of UNICEF’s efforts to address child trafficking, drawing on country assessments conducted in China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam in early 2008. It also highlights trends, gaps, lessons learned, promising and good practices across the region. Despite varying contexts and different experiences across these countries. Click to download the report.

Everyday fears: A study of children’s perceptions of living in the southern border area of Thailand
The study found that the children suffer anxiety and stress associated with the ongoing threat andanticipation of violence, as well as their own violent experiences and their proximity to places vulnerableto violent attacks. Their everyday experiences...

Someone that matters: The quality of care in childcare institutions in Indonesia
A joint report released by DEPSOS, Save the Children and UNICEF is the first ever comprehensive research into the quality of care in childcare institutions in Indonesia. The report provides a detailed assessment of 37 childcare institutions across 6 provi
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