Showing posts with label balance of power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance of power. Show all posts

Jul 26, 2009

Long-Oppressed Hazara Minority May Play Key Role in Afghan Elections

By Pamela Constable
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, July 26, 2009

KABUL, Afghanistan, July 25 -- For generations, Afghanistan's Hazara minority has occupied the humblest niche in the country's complex ethnic mosaic. The political power structure has been dominated by the large southern Pashtun tribes, followed by the slightly less numerous northern Tajiks.

During various periods in history, the Shiite Hazaras have been forced from their lands and slaughtered in bouts of ethnic or religious "cleansing." In more recent times, they have often been relegated to lowly jobs as cart-pullers or domestic servants. The abused boy in the novel and movie "The Kite Runner," which generated much controversy here, came from a family of Hazara servants.

But the group now stands poised to play a decisive role in the Aug. 20 presidential and provincial council elections. It has produced a popular presidential candidate, independent Ramazan Bashardost, who is an extremely long shot but has been traveling the country nonstop, preaching a message of government reform and social justice.

Meanwhile, President Hamid Karzai, an ethnic Pashtun who is seeking reelection, and his major challengers are aggressively courting the Hazara vote. The group makes up as much as 20 percent of the country's electorate and had high voter-registration and turnout rates in the last presidential election, in 2004.

"We have become kingmakers," said Mohammed Mohaqeq, a leader of the main Hazara political party, Wahdat-e-Islami, who agreed to support Karzai in return for pledges that Hazaras would be given control of several ministries and possibly a newly created province. "I cannot get elected, because my Pashtun brothers might not support me, but our people can make a big difference in deciding who wins," he said.

Mohaqeq has been campaigning in various provinces for Karzai, who has remained largely invisible during the run-up to the elections. Mohaqeq's party has organized an army of campaign workers and has fielded a slate of 14 candidates for the upper house of parliament and provincial councils, including one young man whose posters depict an old Hazara cart-puller bent under a load of goods.

Karzai, whose second vice presidential pick is a Hazara, took pains to appease conservative Hazara leaders in March by approving a controversial Shiite family law, even though it outraged human rights groups because it subjected Hazara women to the absolute control of their fathers and husbands.

Yet the political emancipation of Afghanistan's Hazaras, whose children are flocking to universities and office jobs, has created a generational and political split in a community that long fell in lockstep behind ethnic militia or religious leaders such as Mohaqeq as a matter of survival.

Many older or less educated Hazaras still express strong loyalty to such leaders and say they intend to follow their political instructions on voting day. But many others, including students and former refugees who have returned after years in Iran, said they value their political independence.

"I am Hazara, but we have rights now, and no one can tell me how to vote," said Farahmuz, 33, a laborer who joins dozens of men each morning at a traffic circle, hoping to obtain a few hours of work. "I don't want ethnic issues to come up in these elections, because they can destroy the country again," he said.

Many Hazaras said their sentimental favorite for president is Bashardost, 44, a reformist legislator and former planning minister whose office is in a tent across the street from parliament. He has been campaigning in much the same style, accepting government-provided planes to reach distant provinces but then mingling with voters in parks and markets.

"I like Mr. Bashardost because he understands our problems," said Jawad, 25, a Kabul resident who grew up in exile in Iran and now supports his elderly parents as a construction worker. "He doesn't campaign in luxury vehicles like the others. He came to Shar-i-Nau Park on foot and sat there in a tent and listened to the people."

Reached on his cellphone Saturday in a noisy market in Khost province, Bashardost said he had discovered "a big distance between the ordinary people and the politicians in Kabul," adding: "I am sure we are going to see a revolution on August 20." He also said he had received a surprisingly large amount of support from Pashtuns at home and abroad. "This is something very new for Afghanistan," he said.

As a minority group that has long faced economic exploitation and social oppression, Hazaras seem to be taking particular advantage of political freedoms that have opened up since the fall of extremist Sunni Taliban rule in late 2001.

At a new private Shiite college in Kabul, teachers and students said the elections are important for their community, no matter who wins, because they represent a step toward modern, democratic practices that can help overcome Afghan traditions of ethnic and tribal competition.

"We need to develop the values and practices of democracy," said Amin Ahmadi, the college director. "Unfortunately, ethnic issues still play a large role in our country, and people don't trust leaders from other ethnic groups. But if we can have fair, transparent and peaceful elections, that will matter more than if we get a good or a bad president."

In West Kabul, the rundown but bustling heart of the capital's Hazara community, every public surface is papered with campaign posters. Yet many cart-pullers, mechanics and other workers said they are fed up with both national and ethnic politics. They said that their community suffers from widespread unemployment and poverty, but that no one in power has done anything to help.

"We are not happy with our government, and we are not happy with our own leaders," said Imam Ali Rahmat, 61, who sells firewood. "To them, we are just made of grime and dust. To us, they are just made of false promises. We need a change and we need new leaders, because we have lost our way."

Jul 24, 2009

Asia Welcomes Return of US

Following years of relative neglect by Washington, Mrs Clinton (center) signed a landmark friendship pact with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the Thai resort island of Phuket. --PHOTO: AP

BANGKOK - EAST Asian nations will broadly welcome US moves to reengage with the region, with the world's most powerful country offering a counterweight to China's growing clout, analysts and diplomats said.

Suspicions about China's hegemonic aims have also added to satisfaction at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's announcement during the region's biggest security forum this week that the 'United States is back'.

Following years of relative neglect by Washington, Mrs Clinton signed a landmark friendship pact with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the Thai resort island of Phuket.

While communist Vietnam and Laos and former communist Cambodia may have reservations about the increased US involvement, staunch allies such as Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore are glad to see Washington back in play, analysts said.

'The United States does not want to be perceived to be ceding influence in the region,' John Harrison, a security analyst at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, told AFP.

Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo said in his opening remarks to Mrs Clinton on Wednesday that the United States is the 'key pillar for stability in the region in the 21st century'.

'The US is therefore an integral part of our past, our present and our future,' he said, adding that the region's countries 'appreciate the gestures you have made.' These included actually attending the broader, 27-member ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) that also groups the United States, China, Japan, Russia, South and North Korea and others - her predecessor Condoleezza Rice missed two.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo said that the signing of the treaty of amity and understanding on Wednesday - six years after China inked the pact - was a 'very positive and affirmative sign.'

'This means they (Washington) will get engaged with all the issues pertaining not only to ASEAN but to northeast Asia and Asia. The US wants to get engaged and therefore this is good,' he said. -- AFP