- JohnAMacDougall #Burma #Monitor: #Water #shortage returns to crisis-hit regions: http://bit.ly/cNRNyJ via @addthis #DVB
- JohnAMacDougall #Burma #Monitor: #Rangoon #bombing #suspect put in solitary confinement: http://bit.ly/aK4KmF via @addthis #dvb
- JohnAMacDougall #Burma #Monitor: How Do You Spell Hope?: The Story of #Rochester's #Burmese #Refugees (Part Three): http://bit.ly/bTj7By via @addthis
- JohnAMacDougall #Burma #Monitor: How Do You Spell Hope?: The Story of #Rochester's #Burmese #Refugees (Part Two): http://bit.ly/blsLp3 via @addthis
- JohnAMacDougall #Burma #Monitor: How Do You Spell Hope?: The Story of #Rochester's #Burmese #Refugees (Part One): http://bit.ly/bcpUfh via @addthis
- JohnAMacDougall WXXI: How Do You Spell Hope?: The Story of Rochester's #Burmese #Refugees (Part One) (2010-07-07): http://bit.ly/bo7XQV via @addthis
Daily news, analysis, and link directories on American studies, global-regional-local problems, minority groups, and internet resources.
Jul 9, 2010
First Tweets from My New Burma Blog
Jul 4, 2010
Ways to Use Social Networking to Land Your Next Job
By Stacy Rapacon
Sunday, July 4, 2010; G03
When looking for my first full-time job about six years ago, I didn't really consider tapping my personal networks online. Friendster and MySpace -- the big names in social media at the time -- were just vehicles for sharing pictures and finding out what old friends were up to (without having to actually talk to them). And that newfangled thing called Facebook, which still required a college e-mail account to join, just seemed redundant.
Today you're falling woefully behind in the race for open jobs if you're not plugged into social-networking sites. Facebook, for example, has exploded with more than 400 million active users, each of whom averages 130 friends. That's a whole lot of people who could help with your job hunt. LinkedIn, with more than 70 million members, offers a more professional networking platform for you to post your résumé and connect with former and current co-workers. And many other sites, including Twitter, can also help you find employment. Wherever you surf, here are tips on how you can work the social-networking scene to land your next (or first) job:
Build your professional brand. Just as you would with a traditional résumé and cover letter, you should create an online presence that represents you best. If you're active on Facebook or other sites for personal use, consider creating separate accounts specifically for your professional efforts.
Make sure all your profiles are complete, highlighting your skills and filled with keywords and phrases that recruiters might search for. Andrea Sittig-Rolf, author of "Revolutionize, Revitalize & Rev Your Résumé," recommends including a mission statement of five words: "I help companies . . . "
You should also start a blog or Twitter account that can establish you as an expert in the field you'd like to pursue. "A blog will enable you to become more visible in search engines, such as Google, which hiring managers use to screen a lot of candidates," says Ivan Misner, author of "Networking Like a Pro" and founder of networking company BNI.com.
Part of building and maintaining a brand is monitoring what others have to say about you. Watch out for anything about you (or someone with a similar name) floating around cyberspace that might put you in a bad light -- which could be anything from photos of you drunk to bad language or even excessively poor spelling. Google yourself regularly, and delve deeper into your online presence with sites such as Pipl.com and Spokeo.com.
Keep in touch. Social-networking sites have made it easier than ever to maintain relationships with distant relatives, old classmates, former co-workers -- just about anyone you've ever met (who's also plugged in). Facebook suggests people you may know through your existing contacts, and LinkedIn shows you first-, second- and third-degree connections.
Advertise your professional intentions. Misner suggests letting your networks know the top five companies you'd like to work for. Send out tweets and status updates asking, for example: "I'd really love to work for Kiplinger. Can anyone put me in touch with someone there?"
"That laser specificity is counterintuitive, but it's very powerful," he said. When you're explicit, people are more likely to remember connections they might have and offer them to you. Also, ask for an introduction, not just contact information.
Research prospective employers. Use your social-media savvy to dig up all you can about any companies and jobs that interest you. Check out a company's Web site and Google the heck out of it, but also search social-networking sites for company pages, as well as employees. Or follow them on Twitter; some companies even offer feeds specifically for job postings, including AT&T (@attjobs), MTV (@mtvnetworksjobs) and Thomson Reuters (@TRCareers). You can also check on career sites, such as Vault.com -- where you can find loads of information on companies for free, plus additional details for $10 a month.
Showcase your tech savvy. Ours is the first full generation raised on computers. Social-networking skills and knowledge that feel natural to us (no, Mom, you don't say the Facebook) can be a great advantage, especially in workplaces looking to enhance their online exposure. Be sure to include your social-networking expertise on your résumé.
Now that you've plumbed the Internet for opportunities to jump-start your career, remember that your online persona can only get you so far. You have to continue your job search with in-person meetings.
-- Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Jul 1, 2010
How Facebook Is Making Friending Obsolete
by Julia Angwin
Friending wasn't used as a verb until about five years ago, when social networks such as Friendster, MySpace and Facebook burst onto the scene.
Suddenly, our friends were something even better - an audience. If blogging felt like shouting into the void, posting updates on a social network felt more like an intimate conversation among friends at a pub.
Inevitably, as our list of friends grew to encompass acquaintances, friends of friends and the girl who sat behind us in seventh-grade homeroom, online friendships became devalued.
Suddenly, we knew as much about the lives of our distant acquaintances as we did about the lives of our intimates – what they'd had for dinner, how they felt about Tiger Woods and so on.
Enter Twitter with a solution: no friends, just followers. These one-way relationships were easier to manage – no more annoying decisions about whether to give your ex-boyfriend access to your photos, no more fussing over who could see your employment and contact information.
Twitter's updates were also easily searchable on the Web, forcing users to be somewhat thoughtful about their posts. The intimate conversation became a talent show, a challenge to prove your intellectual prowess in 140 characters or less.
This fall, Twitter turned its popularity into dollars, inking lucrative deals to allow its users' tweets to be broadcast via search algorithms on Google and Bing.
Soon, Facebook followed suit with deals to distribute certain real-time data to Google and Bing. (Recall that despite being the fifth most popular Web site in the world, Facebook is barely profitable.) Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt says no money changed hands in the deals but says there was "probably an exchange of value."
Just one catch: Facebook had just "exchanged" to Google and Microsoft something that didn't exist.
The vast majority of Facebook users restrict updates to their friends, and do not expect those updates to appear in public search results. (In fact, many people restrict their Facebook profile from appearing at all in search results).
So Facebook had little content to provide to Google's and Bing's real-time search results. When Google's real-time search launched earlier this month, its results were primarily filled with Twitter updates.
Coincidentally, Facebook presented its 350 million members with a new default privacy setting last week. For most people, the new suggested settings would open their Facebook updates and information to the entire world. Mr. Schnitt says the new privacy suggestions are an acknowledgement of "the way we think the world is going."
Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg led by example, opening up his previously closed profile, including goofy photos of himself curled up with a teddy bear.
Facebook also made public formerly private info such as profile pictures, gender, current city and the friends list. (Mr. Schnitt suggests that users are free to lie about their hometown or take down their profile picture to protect their privacy; in response to users' complaints, the friends list can now be restricted to be viewed only by friends).
Of course, many people will reject the default settings on Facebook and keep on chatting with only their Facebook friends. (Mr. Schnitt said more than 50% of its users had rejected the defaults at last tally).
But those who want a private experience on Facebook will have to work harder at it: if you inadvertently post a comment on a friend's profile page that has been opened to the public, your comment will be public too.
Just as Facebook turned friends into a commodity, it has likewise gathered our personal data – our updates, our baby photos, our endless chirping birthday notes— and readied it to be bundled and sold.
So I give up. Rather than fighting to keep my Facebook profile private, I plan to open it up to the public – removing the fiction of intimacy and friendship.
But I will also remove the vestiges of my private life from Facebook and make sure I never post anything that I wouldn't want my parents, employer, next-door neighbor or future employer to see. You'd be smart to do the same.
We'll need to treat this increasingly public version of Facebook with the same hard-headedness that we treat Twitter: as a place to broadcast, but not a place for vulnerability. A place to carefully calibrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever. Not a place for intimacy with friends.
Write to Julia Angwin at julia.angwin@wsj.com
Jun 8, 2010
My Tweets for June 8, 2010
Image by TPorter2006 via Flickr
- JohnAMacDougall #US #medical #schools use outreach programs to make student bodies more #diversity: http://bit.ly/a0Ymrq via @addthis #minority #groups half a minute ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Military expands #intelligence role: http://bit.ly/bex5lH via @addthis #dominance #us 6 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Foreign fighters gain control in #Somalia's #Islamist #al-Shabab militia: http://bit.ly/afcLZJ via @addthis #muslim #alqaeda #africa 7 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall 7 former #Union #Carbide officials sentenced to 2 years for #Bhopal,#India #gas tragedy: http://bit.ly/bNtCd4 via @addthis #injustice 9 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall In #China admiral's outburst, a lingering #distrust of #US : http://bit.ly/cAOK73 via @addthis #military #party #elites 11 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #BP cap trapping substantial amounts of #oil, #gas: http://bit.ly/cHp9gF via @addthis #spill 13 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall As growth in U.S. slows, #WalMart puts more emphasis on foreign stores: http://bit.ly/cM4XQi via @addthis #global #expansion 14 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Reports at #BP over years find #history of #problems: http://bit.ly/a4BltB via @addthis #oil #industry 15 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Arizona leaders lament as state's #image takes beating with new #immigration law: http://bit.ly/aZsJJj via @addthis #ethnic #studies 16 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Doctors and #Hospitals Say #E-Record Goals Are #Unrealistic - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/afpxV9 via @addthis #obama #health #reform 20 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall News Analysis - #Karzai’s Isolation Worries Afghans and the West - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/bjPusl via @addthis #support #afghanistan 22 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #North #Korea Reshuffle Seen as Part of #Succession Plan - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/8X0d0o via @addthis #economy 25 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Web of #Shell #Companies Veils #Trade by #Iran’s #Ships - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/a4GI5c via @addthis #sanctions #bypass #subterfuge 28 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Army Leak Suspect Is Turned In, by Ex- #Hacker - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/9zS5Fg via @addthis #wikileaks #arrest #classified #documents 31 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Military #Chat rooms from California to #Afghanistan - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/dudSRO via @addthis #facebook #war 34 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall In #Afghanistan, the Beginning of the End? | The Nation: http://bit.ly/9GWz8u via @addthis #obama #withdrawal #activists #feingold #mcgovern 40 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #JSMP Bulletin on #East #Timor #Parliament ary Activities May 2010 English: http://bit.ly/8ZlDSp via @addthis - Analysis of new laws. 44 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall MacauHub: http://bit.ly/ai9l35 via @addthis #East Timor #Natural #Gas Processing Dispute with #Australia about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Child #Marriage in the #Middle #East and #North #Africa - Population Reference Bureau: http://bit.ly/98mQxL via @addthis about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Google vs #Bing vs Yahoo: http://bit.ly/cyPPHY via @addthis #search #engines #competition about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall With Deeper Integration, Will #Yahoo #Pulse Become in Time the #Alternative to #Facebook? http://selnd.com/dh5IDM via @addthis #competition about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #US Deepwater #Oil #Industry at #Risk from #Gulf Disaster | USA | English: http://bit.ly/9fZD9L via @addthis #economy #spill about 2 hours ago via web
JohnAMacDougall BBC News - #India n PM Manmohan Singh renews #Kashmir #talks offer: http://bit.ly/akxduR via @addthis about 2 hours ago via web
JohnAMacDougall BBC News - #Oil #spill: Barack #Obama criticises #BP boss Tony Hayward: http://bit.ly/beejU7 via @addthis about 2 hours ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #US Voters Favor #Congress ional Newcomers Over #Incumbents: http://bit.ly/bk61Bs via @addthis #gallup #poll about 6 hours ago via web
Jun 1, 2010
Yahoo to turn subscribers' e-mail contact lists into social networking base
Image via CrunchBase
By Cecilia Kang
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 1, 2010; A08
Yahoo plans to announce Tuesday that it is jumping into social networking by using its massive population of e-mail subscribers as a base for sharing information on the Web.
Over the next few weeks, its 280 million e-mail users will be able to exchange comments, pictures and news articles with others in their address books. The program won't expose a user's contact list to the public, as was done by Google through its social networking application, Buzz. But unless a user proactively opts out of the program, those Yahoo e-mail subscribers will automatically be part of a sweeping rollout of features that will incorporate the kinds of sharing done on sites such as Facebook and MySpace.
The plan could spark criticism from Yahoo e-mail users, who signed up for the free service perhaps never imagining the people they e-mailed would become friends for sharing vacation videos, political causes and random thoughts throughout the day. And the move comes amid growing concern by federal lawmakers and regulators over how firms such as Facebook, Google and Microsoft have handled the privacy of Internet users.
After backlash, Facebook last week announced new privacy tools to make it easier for users to block Web sites from tapping into their information, as well as a simpler way to configure who on the site can see personal data. Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, asked Facebook on Friday to explain what kind of user data it had shared with third-party sites. Conyers also asked Google to retain, for federal and state regulators, the data the company scooped off WiFi networks as it collected Street View mapping photos around the country.
To allay privacy concerns, Yahoo said it would give users a week's notice before launching the new features and provide a single button on the site for opting out entirely.
Image via Wikipedia
Specifically, the company will launch a product called Yahoo Updates that allows e-mail users to see what other contacts on their lists are commenting about or sharing on sites like Yahoo Finance, Facebook and the photo sharing site Flickr. Updates will initially include 15 sites and partnerships and will eventually expand to include partners such as Twitter this summer.
Yahoo has tiptoed into social media, launching a similar tool last year called Connections, which allowed each user to customize a list of contacts with whom to share information. The company also tried two years ago to build a competitive product to Facebook, where users sought "friends," or contacts, to join micro-networks within Yahoo in the same way Facebook users amass friends through requests. Yahoo abandoned that project and instead decided to tap into its captive audience of e-mail users.
The move is part of a revamping of the once-rudderless Internet pioneer. Chief executive Carol Bartz, brought in last year to lead the firm, has stripped the company of unprofitable business units to focus on its greatest strengths -- its popular free e-mail and messaging programs, and its library of sports, news and finance sites -- to keep users in the Yahoo universe longer.
The longer a user stays on the site, the more advertising dollars and e-commerce it generates. But it remains to be seen if users will view their contact lists as the kinds of people they choose to socialize with on the Web. When Google launched Buzz, some users complained that they used Gmail for business and to correspond with strangers and that they didn't want to share birthday videos with their plumbers or bosses.
Yahoo will begin notifying users of the change on June 7, one week before the launch. Users who don't want to participate can click one button on the settings page to opt out. Or they can customize each piece of information -- a Facebook update or a comment on a Yahoo news story -- to either be shared with Yahoo e-mail contacts or Facebook. Eventually, Twitter and other partners with social-networking platforms will also be included.
"What Yahoo has done is recognized that your e-mail or messenger network is a useful resource and that you may be interested in knowing what your contacts are interested in knowing about, and they stop there," said Jules Polonetsky, the director of the Future of Privacy Forum, a privacy think tank. "That's opposed to the idea that then, therefore, your relationship with them risks being exposed."
May 28, 2010
Southeast-Asia Tweetstream List Now Open on Twitter
Image via Wikipedia
Twitter allows any account holder to create public or private 'lists' on his or her page. On Twitter, a 'list' is an automatically refreshing stream of tweets in real time. While there are many types of people using Twitter for many different purposes, one large easily identifiable group consists of people and organizations who specialize in providing current content.
I've taken advantage of all these Twitter feature to create on my page there six (6) lists, each reflecting one of the six content areas on which Starting Points research blog focuses. All six are set to public. One list, southeast-asia, is ready-to-view, and should be accessible to all (logged-in 'twerps') with one click on its name here. For persons interested in Southeast Asia, t's a vastly more stimulating experience to read these tweets than anything one can find on places like Yahoo Groups, the whole of Facebook, or even Google News and Google Blog Search.
Worth a visit. One click. :-)
My Tweet Stream Today about Internet Resources
Image by ~Prescott via Flickr
JohnAMacDougall #Google #Buzz Adds #Reshare #Option: http://bit.ly/9GpOD2 via @addthis #gmail #social #networking 1 minute ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Why #Facebook's #privacy war is not over - CNN.com: http://bit.ly/a9N32i via @addthis #internet #twitter - Lucid essay. 5 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Hands-On: #Roku's New #Netflix #Interface [PICS]: http://bit.ly/cIGJFD via @addthis #movies #streaming #video #internet 10 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Top Places To Get #Free and #Legal #Music: http://bit.ly/bQGZSK via @addthis #sites #blogs #internet 15 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Create #Playlists from #Music Blogs with #ExtensionFM: http://bit.ly/czHfWr via @addthis #google #chrome #browser 17 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Reputation Management and #Social #Media | #Pew #Research Center's #Internet & #American Life Project: http://bit.ly/bffSHj via @addthis 35 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Drill (Down), Baby, Drill: #Facebook’s #New “Simple” #Privacy #Settings Pretty Complex: http://selnd.com/d4SNRv via @addthis - Grade: D. 37 minutes ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #iGoogle: http://www.google.com/ig via @addthis #personal #homepage -- for everything Googlesque. about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Welcome to #Google #Wave: https://wave.google.com/wave/ via @addthis #social #professional #networking about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Official Google #Blog: Happy 1st birthday, #Google #Wave!: http://bit.ly/d0V3dd via @addthis #social #networking about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Local #Twitter #People #Search, #Twellowhood: http://www.twellow.com/twellowhood/ via @addthis #internet about 1 hour ago via web
JohnAMacDougall #Twitter #Yellow #Pages - #Twellow: http://www.twellow.com/ via @addthis #internet about 1 hour ago via web
dollarmaker7 @JohnAMacDougall Saw your tweet about traffic. This review of Miracle Traffic Bot just might interest you. http://bit.ly/bKLRSc?=njg5 about 2 hours ago via web in reply to JohnAMacDougall
JohnAMacDougall List and Links for #Top #1000 #Sites in #Users - http://bit.ly/9fylrc via @addthis #internet #google #research about 2 hours ago via web
JohnAMacDougall Starting Points: #Google Names #Facebook Most Visited Site: http://bit.ly/bXHLzj via @addthis #internet #traffic #list #top #1000 #sites about 2 hours ago via web